Thursday, February 21, 2008

Trials and Tribulations

I now know some of the pains of the Video Game industry. Getting stuff off the ground is hard to do. My goal for the week of 2/17 - 2/23 was to get a beta-test of the game we are working on, is behind schedule. I am looking for the complete release of the game with in 2 weeks. Am I setting unrealistic goals for myself and my team? I'm not in over my head, I'm just... dedicated to this. Maybe more so than others. For my part in help developing this, I feel like I'm right there with my part. My teammates are getting everything done, they are on the ball. With all the people I have worked with and "been in charge of", this group is great. I couldn't ask for a better team. I just wanna see what this all looks like in the end. Only time will tell.



Lee Kraus said...

You know Steward this is not unique to the gaming industry, although it is hard to think of a more dynamic and complex activity then game development. Being a little behind schedule is part of the process as well. The goal is to be sure to adhere to the design plan, stay within the framework of the project, and work with a goal mentality not a task mentality (meaning, keep the bigger picture in mind and don't let a single task eat up all your time.)

It does feel good when you get something accomplished.

Steward Deering said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement.