Friday, March 21, 2008

Reflections of an Intern, Pt 1

This internship so far has been great. All the things that I have been asked to do, haven't been outrageous or ridiculous, but definitely challenging. I like a good challenge in a subject or field I am most comfortable in. Lee has been most supportive and instrumental in the progress of my time as an intern. But I would like to be, possibly, more involved at some point. I'm not sure right now in what part I would like to be more involved in, but only if they would like for me to be. The curriculum is definitely great for the students, but some of the assignments I would like to see more invasive assignments and delve deeper into the ActionScript programming. I believe that to be most important when it comes to Flash. Yeah animation is important, don't get me wrong, but it wouldn't be Flash if it wasn't for ActionScript.

That's my two cents, and I want change back please. :)